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At Business Green Energy, we specialise in a full spectrum of energy services, ranging from interval data collection and modelling to tendering, deal structuring, and marketing oversight.

Interval Data Modelling

In an era where data drives decisions, we prioritise precision in interval data collection. Our specialised interval data modeling services decode complex energy consumption patterns, enabling businesses to optimize usage and costs. We provide actionable insights that serve as a foundation for your energy strategies.

Deal Structure & Legals

We facilitate the selection of generator and retail partners in harmony with our clients' needs. By working collaboratively with all involved parties, we ensure the development of an optimal product structure for the deal, setting clear commercial terms.

Moreover, our expertise extends to overseeing the entire legal process, ensuring transparent and favorable outcomes for our clients.

Marketing and Sales

Our commitment doesn't end at deal closure. We work closely with the industry association and the retailer to assist in introducing the offer to prospective customers.

We understand that aggregate deals differ from stand-alone corporate arrangements. Thus, we offer continued support throughout the transaction tenure, adjusting our approach based on the specific needs of our umbrella clients or individual corporate entities.